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PondCare Algaefix 2.5-Gal.

PondCare Algaefix 2.5-Gal.

PondCare Algaefix 2.5-Gal.




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Effectively controls many types of green or green water algae, string or hair algae and blanket weed in ponds that contain live plants.
Controls existing algae and helps resolve additional algae blooms.
Keeps ornamental ponds and water gardens clean & clear.
Can be used in ponds with plants!

This product works very well and doesn't harm your aquatic plants or fish when used according to label instructions.

 Do not use with crustaceans, including crabs, shrimp, and freshwater lobsters.

API Pond AlgaeFix Application Rates
Add one dose every three days until algae is under control (usually 3-4 doses) and then once per week to prevent the return of algae.
Add 1 tsp per 50 gallons Add 1/4 cup per 600 gallons
Add in an area of high water circulation & aeration
AlgaeFix can be mixed in a bucket of pond water & dispersed around pond